Colour Analysis & Body shape consultation
choosing your colours
Let’s explore the world of colours together and find out which shades truly suit you.
As a Personal Stylist, I know that color plays a vital role in helping you look and feel your best. Wearing the right colours can make a remarkable difference, and it can even make you look younger!
Everyone has their own preferences when it comes to colour – some like it bold and bright, while others prefer a more subdued palette. No matter your taste, I will show you which colours naturally complement your skin tone and personality, ensuring that your unique colour palette is perfectly tailored to you.

benefits of colour analysis
Colours can have a big impact on our mood, confidence, and overall wellbeing. That’s why it’s crucial to choose the right colours that compliment your skin tone, hair, and eye colour. By wearing the correct colours, you can illuminate your face, reduce the appearance of blemishes, and look younger and fresher. A Colour Consultation is a great way to discover which colours work best for you. Using Seasonal Colour Analysis, I’ll help you determine which of the four colour categories suits you best, and which colours to avoid. With this knowledge, shopping for clothes will be a breeze, as you’ll know exactly what colours to look for, saving you time and money in the long run. Plus, it’s fun to experiment with new colours and discover the full range of shades that complement your natural beauty!
colour analysis services
services include:
- Seasonal colour analysis using drapes to determine the colours that suit you best.
- Explanation of how colour analysis works, with a detailed look at each of the four colour seasons.
- Tips on how to use the colours that complement your natural complexion and features.
- Assessment of your skin tone to identify a palette of colours that will enhance your overall appearance, making your skin look smoother, more radiant, and more luminous.
- Advice on how to incorporate more colour into your wardrobe, whether through bold statement pieces or subtle accents.
How to dress for your body shape
Do you struggle to find clothes that fit and flatter your body shape? Tired of feeling like you’re wearing the same thing over and over again, or hiding under baggy, unflattering clothing?
Let me help! Understanding your body shape is crucial in selecting the right outfit that will enhance your proportions and create balance. Each body shape has its unique set of rules and tricks to help you find clothing that looks amazing on you.
With my expert tips and advice, we’ll select clothes, fabrics, textures, and patterns that perfectly fit and flatter your body, highlighting your best assets and cleverly disguising any areas you’re not as comfortable with. Say goodbye to ill-fitting clothes and hello to confidence and style!

benefits of body shape analysis
body shape services
services include:
- A thorough analysis of your body shape to determine the most flattering clothing styles.
- Expert guidance on how to dress for your body shape.
- Insight into which styles best suit your figure.
- Tips and tricks on how to use fabric, texture, and pattern to enhance your appearance.
- A follow-up email containing additional expert advice on dressing for your body shape.